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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sitges Weekend with Terri and Sue

Friday, February 19, Sue Thomas and Terri Turek came to Sitges to visit. Sue arrived first, without her suitcase, after hours and hours of delay. Not sure of the time her body and head were experiencing Spain, we fed her a light meal, and walked her to her hotel to get some much needed rest. Terri arrived in the evening from Holland thankful to be in a much warmer climate that offered the promise of sun. We toasted her arrival with our favorite cava and made our plans to go into Barcelona on Saturday morning.
Sue, refreshed after many hours of sleep, knocked at our apartment at about 11:00 and we headed off to a day in Barcelona. First stop was to see Park Guell. Neither Sue or Terri had ever been there and it was a brilliantly sunny day. The park was filled with tourists, artists and musicians. Great atmosphere.

Trying to figure out the new camera! And sitting on the serpentine bench. This is my favorite park in the whole world! Built between 1908 and 1912 it feels as modern as if it was just completed yesterday. That Gaudi really had an amazing mind to come up with this design.

After the water is collected from the top of the pavilion where the bench is, it filters down the support columns and is collected to run out of the mouth of this lizard. This is probably one of the most photographed places in Barcelona. And you can purchase this lizard in any size in every gift and souvenir shop in Barcelona.
After Park Guell we were ready for lunch. One of our favorite places to eat is at Ichiban (Japanese/Argentinian restaurant) which certainly has something for everyone. Sushi, grilled seafood, grilled meats, grilled vegetables, salads, ice cream could you not find something to like?
More walking around Barcelona, near the seaport, up the Ramblas, down the shopping streets, poking around the open air markets and art fairs. By the time we got back to the apartment we had put on 14 km. Not bad for our first day of sightseeing together.
After walking Sue back to her hotel, Terri and I stayed up until 4 am catching up on the past 17 months. Good thing the only activity we had planned for Sunday was lunch at El Velero. And that will be a blog all of its own!

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